Investing in a Good Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

The ability to mix your concrete on site can be very advantageous for almost every construction project. After all, having ready-made concrete from distribution centers can get expensive real quick, not to mention work delays when delivery gets to the site late.

Luckily, there’s now a wide array of portable concrete batch mix plants going for sale, and the prices have never been friendlier. Most construction companies can admit that investing in a mobile concrete batch plant (мобильный бетонный узел) is one of the best investments a business owner can make.

Mobile Concrete Plant From China
China Mobile Concrete Plant For Sale

While public construction and mining firms will usually need fully automatic stationary plants to mix and supply the concrete required for industrial construction projects, small construction companies can get great value from their portable counterparts.

A mobile concrete batch mix plant consists of machinery that’s stationed on a chassis that can be easily moved from one location to another. No foundations are needed in order to run a portable mixing batch plant. One of the best things about cement trucks that feature rotating drums is that the concrete can be mixed while on the go.

The major advances in technology and engineering in the construction industry has brought numerous benefits. For instance, the latest concrete mixing plants feature systems that enable the reuse of water and minimize dust particle emissions. Most of the current models ideally feature noise reduction, thus helping protect the ear health of workers.

Buy or Rent?

When it comes to picking a concrete mixing plant, the first thing to do is determine whether you should buy or rent. Both options have their pros and cons, but generally, you can enjoy long term profits by purchasing a portable concrete batch mixing plant (мобильный бетонный узел купить) compared to leasing one. With that being said, do not be afraid to rent the machinery for a short period in order to determine whether purchasing that model will benefit you in the long term. Also, if you intend to use the machinery for a short period, it is best to rent the machine.

Mobile Concrete Batching Plant
China Mobile Concrete Batching Plant For Sale

Mobile Concrete Batch Mixing Plant Drawbacks

The primary downside of portable concrete batch plants is that they can only produce a limited amount of concrete mix each hour. Such plants might be ideal for small scale construction projects, but do not really suffice for large scale operations. Of course, you can always invest in several mixing units in order to meet the needs of your project.

A Good Mobile Concrete Batch Mix Plant

Nowadays, you can easily find the best portable concrete batch mixing plants online. Any popular search engine such as Google or Bing can help you find the contact information of varying manufactures and dealers in just a few clicks. What’s more interesting is that you can easily come across ads for used concrete mixing equipment.

Keep in mind that you’re making a substantial investment, and so, don’t rush your buying decision. While portable mixing plants are cheaper compared to their stationary counterparts, they still cost a lot. You want to ensure you buy the best machinery for your needs. Click here to learn more about portable concrete batch mixing plant: